Monday, December 15, 2014

Let the Games, ehem I mean Blog Begin

I've had this overwhelming feeling lately, I can't quite describe it, but it's something along the lines of displaced.

I can't figure out if it is because I took on a pregnancy, move, and PhD program at the same time, or if i'm missing something I should be doing, or doing something I shouldn't be doing, but no matter the cause, the feeling exists regardless.

Another feeling I have been having lately, but a little more able to describe is the need to start a blog- which is weird...because I have a blog. But this feeling involved a new blog that didn't exist.

So here I find myself trying to fill a void by...starting a new blog.

Name: Average Hay

Why the name: Because I am just that- average. I feel I have nothing out of the ordinary to contribute as far as the blog world is concerned. And, my name is Hayley

According to this source 152,000,000 blogs exist on the internet and a new blog is created somewhere in the world every half second.

That is a lot of blogs! It makes me feel overwhelmed to think I am trying to add one more to the mix, but then again, it makes me feel like why not?

Finding my place within this blog world is the next problem.

I mean, I wear clothes, and sometimes I put a lot of thought into those clothes- but by no means can that make me a fashion blogger.

I eat food, and sometimes (rarely) I cook that food- but again, that doesn't make me a food blogger.

I exercise and try to be healthy, I worked by butt of to lose 25 pounds for goodness sake by running 2 marathons- but I was slow, and relatively undedicated- so thus, not a fitness blogger.

I have a lot of years of higher education under my belt, and i'm working on my PhD in Sociology and Demography at UC Berkeley but...I can hardly write this with remotely proper grammar, and I often feel more overwhelmed than in control- so that doesn't make me much of a social commentator or an academic blogger.

I live a life, so I suppose I can fall under the title of "lifestyle blogger" but my life isn't filled with pretty pictures and seemingly perfect days.

So why would you read on? Why would you be interested in my life?

Honestly, i'm not quite sure, but I hope I can figure that out soon because this feeling to start a blog is real, and it won't leave me alone until I try it.

So here I am, filling the void and starting this blog.

It, like me, will be relatively displaced within this big blogger world.

But it will tell stories of my mostly average life and coming to terms with it- because honestly...aren't most of us simply average anyway? I'm hoping a lot of my days are above average, and I expect for many to be below, but regardless I hope to share them as they are. No sugar coating.

There may be clothes, food, fitness, academics, really, anything is fair game.

So please, stay awhile. Help me figure out how to make this average life seem applicable and relevant to you, fellow average reader.

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